Urban Legend

Urban Legend
You’ve all heard stories, the urban legends. But you know she is real. There is a ghost that haunts this town. The stories say that you will meet her twice. When you see her the first time, she looks like an ordinary woman. When you see her the second time, you die. We each met her, once. Now we are haunted by her. Urban Legend is a Descended from the Queen game about a ghost of uncertain character. Is she a tragic figure seeking her eternal rest? Or a monstrous figure seeking revenge on the living? As you play the game, you will find out. It is a GMless story game for one or more players. It should take about two hours to play. You need to print out these cards, but no other material is needed to play.Auteur : Nick Wedig
URL : http://nickwedig.libraryofhighmoon.com/
Email : [email protected]
ID Réseaux sociaux : nickwedig
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